Slick Ricks Official Home Page

Allady Murphy

Marcus varley and ............

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Some quality pics and also a slambook

Some of my fav. links

Middlesbrough F.C page

Photo Page

Custom2 Page

Take a look at the card trick (1st Pic).

Here is some of my mates just mucking around.
Also there is a magic trick to do and also there is a magacian in one of the pictures, have a butchers. If u want to see some more of those quality, comedy pictures then click on the bottom picture.

Card Trick
If u want to be amazed then click on the playing cards to the side which will link you to another site on the web where mi main man Zeek as set up a bit of a card trick.
Hey look to the side we have a magacian in the ranks, he is nearly as good as me.

How to tell u have been really bad.
<------------------- Santa will s**t through your chimney!
Take a look at milf waxing her car not bad bumpers there!

Mi mate Dave
Take a look at mi mate Dave when he got sent down as a youngster. He has now become a pro at his game and has not been caught since.
Unlucky Mate
Try not to get a cob on mate.
This is a bit of a bad sign.
Just hope that this doesn't happen 2 u.
Crotch Master 2000
Ladies if u want to buy this item then it is available at a price of .69. For more details look at the poster to the side.

There at it like rabbits, OH yeh they r rabbits.

This is the new way to fire missiles!